I had a blast from the past last night, Cee. He was a quick relationship after Eden, or in between Eden however you want to put it. We went to the same college and at parties he would always dance with me and be like "Are you still with Eden?" I always smiled and nodded yeah and kept it moving, but I always wondered how the heck does he know me or Eden?
Eventually we were at a party in another city and it just so happened me and Eden had broken up and he asked me AGAIN, this time I was like "No actually we broke up a few weeks ago".
Cee: Really....... so can i call you?
I never give people my number in the club, I just feel like its too common, they prob have 5 other numbers in their phones and I just dont want to be on the list.
Me: I dont give it out but Im one Facebook, find me its Jaycee ________.
He looked surprised but nodded. Now did I really think he'd go searching on facebook? No. Did he? Of course. So we had a chatting good time up there. Now this was in January Ill have to check my fb chats to see the year, let me go look really quick *grabs phone..... foes to fb..... searches...... searches......* ok its taking too long. Anywho come to find out he has a baby on the way. He didnt tell me this upfront of course, not until a few weeks, when I really like him. I cant lie, me and Eden still lived together, you know now that Im typing that maybe I have a issue why am I always still living with people AFTER the break ups. But in that period me and Eden were locked into a lease and neither of us wanted to leave the apt so he slept in the living room I took the bedroom, and it was what it was. So Cee told me he had a baby I told him I lived with Eden.
This went on smoothly until the baby came a few month later, you know what, the kid just turned 5 so that makes it 2009 that all this started! Im genius I swear lol. So i was out of college by then but Cee was still a student, hea a year younger then me. Anywho the baby came, the mother HATED me. She swore I broke them up and he swore they were never together, it was a one night stand gone wrong. I wasnt getting into that. We had been hanging out, his crew was SO fun, we did all the group outings and late night house parties, just overall good times. His bestfriend had a girlfriend, she was also in college. she went home for the summer and my friends are all hanging out with them too. My lil sneaky tail friends starts hooking up with his bestfriend on the low. I felt horrible but thats nother story for another time because Im extremely close to both girls still. So anywho the baby comes and somehow I deal with it and we get serious and progress. A year later Im at his family reunion, Ive met the parents, we have vacayed together (Eden has moved out by now, he left when the lease was up) we have went on group trips together, all is lovely or so I thought. I couldnt shake that darn Eden. Old feelings kept creeping in, this baby momma of Cees is still a pain and Im feeling like "I dont have to deal with this ish". I hang out with Eden and it goes downhill.
October of 2011 (the story is going to start to come together you will see how Cam gets in as the rebound) I get sick, Cee ends up taking me to the ER with our other friend and I have bronchitis. So they stay there and take me home and he buys me flowers an yadda yadda yadda. At this point we havent been together in a while just in touch off and on, as with Eden, I had met came that June, so Im juggling all 3 but noones my boyfriend so i can do as I please. I dont even think i was sexing any one, I KNOW i wasnt with Cam we waited til the wedding night. And I know it wasnt Cee, I cant be for sure if me and Eden got it in a time or two or no, hes my fave til this day in that area ;). So anyway we get back to my apt and are playing around and this is when the "Antoine Dodson" video is out. Remember the guy with the weave and someone broke into their apt and he was on the news yelling "HIDE YA KIDS HIDE YA WIVES!". Well youtube it if you havent it was funny then, not so much now, but still worth seeing. So my roomie decided to dress Cee up as Antoine Dodson and this dummy does it and she puts a pic on Twitter. Eden see itsa writes "FAG..... thats so gay, what guy lets girl dress him up in wigs?" Cee sees it and writes back "Suck my d!@k". Now Cee is not a fighter, ive never seen him anyway, Eden is a bit rougher. So I KNOW Cee was just saying that to save face.... bad move. Eden stayed around the corner and before I can blink is banging on my door. Of course I dont let him in and Cee looks horrified but is trying to play it cool. Im thinking no biggie he cant get in. Then he left, so problem solved. Do you know this negro had another copy of the key to the apt and had saved it and went home, got it, and busted in, and went right for Cee. They started fighting and Im all trying to stop two grown men because I have really nice furniture and thats what Im more concerned about.
They end up putting a hole in my wall after its all said and done and poor Cee is lumped up and Eden is asking am I happy now? Why would I be happy? I cut them both off I was so pissed. Cam is on the phone the entire time, how conveinient right? So im telling him what happened and November rolls on and we decide to give it a try. And now that I dont have Eden and Cee down my throat its working out (so i thought) and by January we are married!
See how all that spiraled out of control so really I should be balming Eden and Cee right? I said all that to say Cee texted me last night lol. He does these random "check ins" that irk my nerves, cause he asks how I am, hows baby boy, hows life...... i answer and then nothing. I hate them because they are pointless, sometimes we reminice, most times we dont. Last night was one of the times it just irked me, I dont enjoy having pointless conversations AT ALL! I just dont. Was that confusing, I was rushing trying to get it all out because I do actually have work to do lol but I want to make sure i didnt lose anyone in the process. Let me know! Ill answer any confusing parts or fix them. Toodles :)
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