Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Weekend is here!

Wendy and Dani are back in town from MD and Jersey. Partayyyyyyy! Wendy's birthday was Tuesday, so she came back in town so we could all partake in a turn up!

Todd................. yeah I don't know. I don't seriously consider him, but he's great company. He works and recently started a janitorial business so he was telling me about that. All I hear though is "5 kids, 5 kids, 5 kids".

I didn't hear from his friend on Facebook at all ironically yesterday. Which is weird but honestly I have enough going on so less is more. He was actually cool too. I ran into some issues with my car and he came through with a great deal and parts and did it himself. But it's like pulling teeth with him too, like why are we still chatting on Facebook? Ask for my number or something sheesh! He's not my type tho I can tell. Not that I know what my type is but I saw a post on Instagram yesterday that I wanted to like 1000 times. It read:

I don't like guys that fight or turn up all the time. I like MEN who are lame. Either at scool, work, or at home watching Netflix.

Yeah he sounds bomb! lol Lame man where art thou????
"I'm looking for ya" *in my Future voice* Thats an artist by the way, he has a song out that says that, just in case anyone was wondering where I got it from.

I also decided I'm not going to persue leaving the state or my current job anymore. At least not for the next year or two. If it was just me it would be okay, but I have Baby Boy and my support system is great here, so why eff up a good thing? If I leave town, there will be NO random nights out or quick dinners with friends. I dont let just anyone babysit, just the parentals. And I will not start for the sake of that. Here, I can do whatever, whenever if I please, and its no big deal. Also childcare. Right now I have the ultimate hook-up because my friend's mother owns the daycare. I know if I relocate that will probaly double. No bueno.

So I went out to lunch with my male bff yesterday before my follow up with the doctors (That went great by the way I'm almost back to 100%). Anyway, he was asking me about moving and just chatting and that put a pep in my step and I went out later that day and found a townhome for me and the kiddo. So come October, we are back in business! And I'm fine with that, I'll get promoted when God is ready for me too, right now I'll just focus on enjoying life and working at work, instead of other things all the time! lol

I'm excited about this weekend, I'm on antibiotics so I can't drink, but my friends drunk is contagious and entertaining enough, so that'll do.

Cam pissed me off. Yesterday he asks me if I want to go to Miami with him for his birthday next month. Sorry if any of you take offense to my next word choice but this is really how I felt: Nigga if you have money to vacay in South Beach then you need to be sending SOMETHING here for pull-ups, daycare, food, clothes, pick one! The nerve! Then he told me if he didnt come to Baby Boy's birthday party, then he would just send the money................ didn't happen. it slipped my mind, but Wendy reminded me last night while we ate Denny's. She told me I'm being dumb not to persue child support, because even if I don't get anything right now when he does get on track I will. I'm undecided. I just don't want the headache. Then every other day he's text messaging me paragraphs about us being together. Eff makes you think I want to be with you when you dont even act like an responsible adult on ANY level of life? Praise the Lord for divorce, even though I'm not proud I had to go that route, but look what my alternative was!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how did I leave my high school drama out? Okay so keep up. My friend from high school recently started coming around me and my group of friends.
"You guys are always traveling and having fun, I want that, my friends arent working or are broke and can never do simple things" she said.

Not a problem the more the merrier, right? So she's been coming around alot and going to church with me, and getting to know my friends near and far. Only problem is her and Tish are thee worst enemies. So as she's coming around more Tish is coming around less, until it became not at all. So fast forward to now. Tish had spoke with Kendall and basically she didnt want to come off as a hater, but she had received screenshots of my high school friend talking trash about us!

Apparently one of my friends was fat and had gotten huge since high school, Kendall looked dirty, and I was corny! Me... corny? WHET? Silly? Yes. Goofy? Heck Yes. Corny? Eff no!

So Kendall eventually tells me and I feel so naive. I always trust people too soon and try to see the best in them and even when I finally saw the screenshot I wanted to hope it was a lie. It just hurts my feeling that I can embrace someone and they be around me and my family and then talk crap behind my back! Grow up! I'm not mad though, I dont know when it was said, it could've been months ago, but it WAS said. I'm not even going to ask her about it because frankly you can't miss a friend you never had. So I'll be cordial but BISH YOUR NO LONGER IN THE CIRCLE! lol

I'll write more on Monday, anything you guys are wondering about that I havent mentioned? Or anyone? I have a one track mind, so remind me and I'll update!

Have a great weekend!

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