Friday, August 8, 2014

Going nuts O_O

I know I'm not nuts. But there was a blog, a girl who worked at a........... arts place maybe? Anywa,y she and her boyfriend had just got a place together, and she was in his phone and found out he had messed with the coworker. So now she's crashing at a friends looking for a new roomate. She recently found a good prospect for a roomie and they had coffee or tea or something. Anyone read that yet? If so what is it!?

My life has been.................. nice. But to you all....... boring. I noticed I really only get comments when things are going haywire, and noone really likes when things are just calm so I haven't written. Wendy has been here all week, oh the joys of being a teacher and having the summers off. But we have been hanging and doing little things that make us smile lol. She's leaving today an I am heading to Washington D.C ...................... to meet up with Eden.

I debated this all week, but Tish says go and have fun, although shes the epitome of a side chick so she would say that. Plus she loves Eden, they have always been cool. so to her its not a big deal and I'm being "extra".

The day already started off bad though. I overslept and therefore RACED this morning to do everything so Im sure I left something and I hate that feeling. My pedicure chipped. And I barely had time to shave last night, well Nair I dont shave. The funny thing is I didn't dare put that Nair on my vagina. But Wendy made me go shopping for clippers.

"I'm not clipping my effin vagina Wendy, I'm clumsy I'll cut myself" I argued.

"You will not cut yourself, I do it all the time, its cute trust me" she perused the aisles looking for the Conair brand she had while we were in Wal-Mart.

I had came to Wal-Mart with her and Kendall to kill time, we were going to Applebees to meet Tay afterwards to have "The Last Supper" with Wendy since she was leaving. Plus it was half off appetizers after 9 p.m so el cheapo (me) was killing time. Baby Boy was at home in the bed. Something I would miss when I moved out, because there would be no leaving just because he had fallen asleep.

"Here it is!" she grabbed a box and smiled. It was cute and had a carrying case, but I wasn't sold. I took it anyway tho and grabbed some traveling items and we were on our way.

Later at home, I did see that the clippers werent that bad it was actually fun, I wonder if I can do hearts or something once I get the hang of it? It get hair everywhere tho, I stood on a towel but it was so much easier to shave in the shower. What do you all do? Cause if you have a better way I'm down to try it. Oh no waxing! I did it once and it was worst then giving birth.... eff you if you think I'm exxagerating. I have 0 tolerance for pain so I'm done with that wave. Y'all can have it. So much pain for hair to grow right back. She said the more I came the better it would get, I'd rather have wolf pussy!

Jake hit me out of the blue (the Micheal Kors bag buyer). Luckily he just wanted to say hi I guess and I havent heard from him since. Awkward.

Noone else has really bothered me. Eden is EXTREMELY excited though about us coming to D.C.

"Has Baby Boy ever been to the movies, I think we should take him to see Ninja Turtles" he suggested.

He hadnt ever been, and I didnt know if he would sit but he loved snacks, so I figured if we got plenty then he should be okay. I hate that first time things like this that should be with Cam arent. smh but such is the life of a baby momma. I HATE that word but I think I have officially become one in society's eyes!

If anyone knows the name of that blog let me know PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE


  1. The blog you are talking about is Love Sex Pizza -- the way it is set up now there are 2 different story lines, one posts on Tuesdays (Tessa) and one posts on Thursdays (Elizabeth) -- Tessa is the story you are thinking about!

    1. OMG................ okay i officially feel SLOW lol. I am so grateful for you though because I was still searching and soon as you said it it hit me like a ton of bricks lol thanks!

  2. um.. sit on the toilet and trim.. it falls into the bowl and you can just flush it away.. and because your legs are spread due to sitting, you better hit the hard to reach places.. the clipper works easier that way... lol.

    1. lol thanks! Wendy told me to stand up over a towel and it had my neck hurting like crazy I was thinking this cant be the best approach, Ill try your way next go round for sure

    2. Just be careful to not drop the clipper in the toilet. I have an epilator that has a epilator and clipper head. I use the epilator head on my armpits and legs and the clipper on my pubes when I'm not in the mood to get waxed. I sit on the toilet and find the its easier there and quicker.

  3. Or stand in the shower and put a leg up on the tub. Unless you have craziness going on dien there n don't want to clog lol

    1. The clippers I have plug in, Im clumsy lol doing it in the shower doesnt seem safe lol........ nah not craziness lol i fixed it last night hahahahaha we are clean and sheek now honey!
