Tuesday, August 26, 2014


My oh my how things have changed. I would not have saw this coming a mile away. All good though…. I think.

Okay first things first I hung out with my Dad on Saturday. I helped Kendall set up for her Pure Romance party and since I hate hose things I left shortly before it began. My dad, Baby boy, my grandmother, and I went out for lunch and to Toy R US. During this time is when my Dad noticed Baby Boy is extremely spoiled and needed a “male” figure around more than he is experiencing. I agree, he’s surrounded by nothing but women and he’s so adorable that he usually gets his way. Conclusion: A spoiled brat.

Surprisingly my Dad called up Cam and told him “Whatever it is you are pursuing isn’t working, you don’t see your kids or take care of them, so this is my offer. You can come stay with me, I will personally find you a job, maybe even 2, you WILL send my daughter money for your child and start getting him more, and I will send you a ticket to get here.”

Go Dad! He lives an hour away from me but I will take that. Cam had the audacity to act as if he had to think it over, but eventually he agreed and he will be here next week! Perfect, that weekend I am shipping his son right to him, his turn to feel the load for a few days!

Anyway me and my Dad when to a concert that Saturday night, some old school people he knew but I had THEE best time, it was on the beach and super packed, but I really enjoyed it. On Sunday, I went to church but I did not see the Deacon, saying that sounds so old but he is one lol. But he did hit me afterwards and invited me over. I hesitated but I went and its funny because I’m use to guys asking can they come over to MY place, because usually they don’t have one or either they just don’t invite me. So this was different, especially since he wasn’t asking me over in the wee hours lol. I went and his house was so nice. Not the bachelors pad I expected. We literally just sat and talked and laughed for 3-4 hours. However, while I was there I got the impression that maybe he really didn’t like me in the romantical way ( I just made that word up), just as a friend and that was cool. I wasn’t attracted to him either but I was having fun with him. I left a little after 10 p.m. and he texted me, that’s where it confused me. He had said “I want to learn more about you” so we ended up texting until about 1 a.m.

The next day I was off and I went and got my hair done and pamper my self, so he asked to see a pic, his response to the picture was “Can I say delicious…..”

Then he asked did I want to grab dinner. So I’m like sure, I told him I had to wait until Baby Boy went to bed and he said that was cool. So basically I’m in a loose tee and short shorts, the cutest sandals, and some fashion jewelry. I look cute especially with my hair flowing free and long BUT I was family restaurant cute, NOT fancy restaurant cute. He had told me it was a surprise where we were headed and my basic behind never thought anything of it. But ,I definitely didn’t think this place. Nothing was under $30.00 and I could not even understand the menu. I’m extremely picky so eventually he ordered for me and told me “Just try it”. I do not “just try” anything when it comes to food so this was extremely weird for me. I ended up with some concoction of poached crabmeat, organic brown rice, grilled squash, asparagus, caramelized pearl onions, and sauce soubise. Yes…. I looked it up, and had I known that was it I definitely would have refused the entire meal, but it was not half-bad! I think I have been upgraded y’all. Lol

For the past few weeks people have been saying how awful my car looks, it is rather filthy on the exterior. This morning he texted me with solution to this problem, and I didn’t even have to mention it.

Deacon: I’m going to take care of that car for you today too. I meant to handle it yesterday but of course, I got in too late then we went to dinner.

How cool is he? I, on the other hand, am accepting the fact that he does not like me in THAT way, since he pretty much said it.

“But he isn’t showing that, he totally likes you Jaycee” Tay insisted. “Who would keep hanging around you and texting you all day if not?”

“You do it and you don’t like me” I joked.

Tay didn’t laugh “Okay, be silly as usual, but he definitely is interested I don’t care how many times he says the opposite!”

I don’t want to assume cause I’m really having fun, but I don’t want to be the one NOT assuming when I should be.

Nothing else major has happened that’s worth being written right now. But what do you all think of all this?


  1. Yeah, that deacon is sending some mixed signals. He tells you that he isn't interested in you romantically, yet he's going out of his way to wine&dine you, take care of your car (even when you did not ask for his help) for you, and texting you non-stop. That's something most guys do when they are wooing someone. There are some really nice people who will go out of their way to help those they are friendly with, but from what I experienced there aren't too many of those.

    You should be cautious when dealing with the deacon tho, just to be on the safe side.

    - Love from Asia.

    1. Well he has finally admitted something! Check out the new post! That or either I grew on him lol thanks!
