Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Switching it up!

I have come to the conclusion you all think I’m man crazy. I can only blame myself because that’s ALL I write about, but it’s the only thing I assumed people would care to know. I only write about once a month and squeeze everything in, so it appears my life is this guy and that guy and it’s to totally NOT!

Before I carry on let me clear something up. NOONE is around Baby Boy. Deacon goes to our church so he sees him, but no one else I socialize with is subjected to my child. I understand the importance of keeping that separated.

My goal is to be more well-rounded with the blog. I suck at it that much I am sure of, but I also don’t put forth all the effort and stay consistent. The blogs I do like are great at that and that’s why I love them so I am going to tell more of my regular life, and I’ll see how many people care about that lol.

Tuesday was Wing Night at Hooters. I know they sell wings everyday but they have a great “All you can eat” for $12.95 on Tuesdays so that is usually when I partake. Kendall and I had been on the outs, so I invited her to join me and Baby Boy. I wasn’t sure if she’d accept but she did. We have been together a few times since out big blowout, the latest being a family cookout last weekend, so we were semi back to normal. I got there first and plopped in a booth with my kid. It was a rainy day out and Kendall had said she would be there shortly.

She was 7 months pregnant and came wobbling in a few minutes later, and I was surprised that I was so happy to see her. I talk a good game but I’m sensitive at heart and I did miss my cousin!

“Ugh, I just cannot deal with this child’s father of mines” she was not wasting anytime. A few months ago, we found out he had been cheating. Like full blown in another relationship cheating. Kendall had broken down terribly. They of course were expecting a baby, and were planning to move in together before the baby came, so when we discovered this 2nd life he was living it was pretty much a punch in the gut. She cut him off completely though and so far had stuck with it, including blocking his number and refusing to see him. That did not stop him from calling from other people’s number. Just recently, she was out with friends and he had walked in with the other girl. So it is evident he wasn’t as sorry as he claimed to be.

“What did he do now?” I asked sipping my water.

“He just got someone to call me, to tell me to call him, I don’t know why he just won’t leave me alone!” she complained.

“I’m pretty sure that has something to do with you bring preggo Ken” I laughed “But I wonder what he wants, he sure didn’t have anything to say when you spotted him out the other week.

Kendall agreed as the server came over to get our order.

“I hung out with Cam this weekend,” I confessed.

“Snitching on yourself huh? That’s new, how’d that happen?” Kendall inquired.

“He called me Saturday and honestly I felt dumb, I thought he wanted to go out and I immediately got rude, but he wanted me to meet him at the mall to get Baby Boy some spring and summer clothes. So we met up and Kendall he went on a effing shopping spree for them both, I definitely felt left out. In the end he did treat me to a mani and pedi tho” I grabbed a wing as I filled her in.

“You are such a brat Jaycee, let the man be if you don’t want him, especially since he’s doing better, you can’t lead him on, you could have gotten your own mani and pedi!” Kendall lectured me.

I could have but he offered sheesh!

“Anyway” I rolled my eyes at her “we ended up hanging out then Sunday he took us, and my mom out for breakfast, did some more shopping, and even came and cooked dinner. It felt like old times I swear” I finished up.

“Oh so y’all played house, that’s cool, where was Deacon?” she asked sarcastically.

“Idk, we haven’t spoken all weekend honestly. I mean a few texts here and there, but we have really fallen off and he just doesn’t see a problem. I missed church Sunday so I haven’t seen him, I sent him a text though, I told him his plates full right now and there’s no room for me on it and he just never responded. I can’t deal with his ish, he’s so difficult to communicate with, and he really doesn’t care even though he swears he’s so in love and appreciates me and all, so much BS with him!” I complained.

Kendall nodded. Everyone thought Deacon was a bit much, but he was so perfect in the beginning, aren’t they all though?

“While we are on my guys, remember Wells Fargo, the one I don’t like but is super nice?” I asked Kendall and she nodded “Well the other day I checked in on him, he told me he had to evict his brother because he wasn’t paying rent, so his brother ended up taking a lot of his things. He tried to get them back and the brother wouldn’t return them, so he pressed theft charges or something, you know I don’t know about any of that criminal stuff” I explained.

“Prob grand larceny especially if it was big items” Kendall suggested.

I shrugged “I don’t know it was a bed and TV and some other things, any who the brother, pressed charges too, only he lied and said that Wells Fargo assaulted him, so they both have warrants now. This was like reality TV to me so I offered to drop him off, the least I figured I could do. Kendall he got arrested! He was out in a few hours but this is the effed up part, he went to work the next day and they told him they had to let him go because of it” I finished up.

“So he lost his job because of a lie? That is SO wrong on so many levels” Kendall looked truly hurt like it was her. I laughed even though it was far from funny.

“Well because they both work there, so I think the brother said it happened at work, either way he blatantly lied. But, yeah definitely messed up. I haven’t really spoken to him since tho, I still don’t like him romantically but he’s a good person he didn’t deserve that” I said licking sauce off my fingers. Gross? So what, their sauce is finger licking good!

We finished up dinner and went our separate ways. I got home and gave Baby boy a bath and got him in bed and played around with my hair, some show “Botched” came on the TV and grabbed my attention for a few and before I knew it I had dozed off. I woke up and changed into my PJ’s and decided to call it a night.

 I checked my phone, Deacon sometimes texted me on his breaks between class. No text. Sigh.

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