Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My mornings go like this........ (2nd post today FYI)

My alarm betrayed me once again and I jumped up and grabbed my phone. Still no text from Deacon. I hated that I cared or looked forward to it at all.

I hit my alarm and went to my bathroom in my room to wash my face and brush my teeth and do the whole morning routine thing. I sat down to tinkle and checked my Instagram and Facebook. Totally addicted to those.

“OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG” I yelped out loud. Ray followed me (following is basically when someone wants to keep up with you on Instagram and keep up with what you post)! I sent a quick text to Tish. She had sent me a screenshot a week earlier that he was now on Instagram. I can’t really call him a fling because we never had sex, he gave me oral once but I didn’t reciprocate so Im not sure exactly what we were. I know I spoke on him before. We met hung out for 2 months, then he fell off the face of the Earth literally. I hear from him again around Kendall’s birthday. Okay, so Ray followed me.

Me: Should I follow him?

That’s the text I had sent Tish a week earlier after she sent me the screenshot.

Tish: Noooooo then you are going to look pressed, let him follow you first.

Me: That’s dumb, he won’t be able to find me Tish.

Tish: Do what you want then, you gonna follow him, he will foloow you, then hit you up, then disappear. Cycle continues.

Low blow! I didn’t follow him though and walah here he was. I clicked on his profile and saw he was on vacation. Still cute too. I didn’t even want him honestly, I just didn’t like the way we ended, with no closure or anything. We literally were talking every day until one day it was nothing.

I waited until later in the day to follow him back and saw he had liked some of my pics. I was glad to see he was going to see I still looked good too. Jerk! I’m bi-polar I know.

I got up and started my morning routine, getting myself completely together first then tackling my 2 year old. Every single morning he wants “cinnamon waffles” for breakfast even though they feed them breakfast at day care too. Therefore, I made them, got him some juice and headed out.

Work is not the highlight of my day for sure. I absolutely despise the place I’m at and it’s far from the place, it’s the people for sure. In addition, by people I mean management. I’m always one of the first to arrive and the last to leave, but that goes unnoticed. However, I won’t get into those pleasantries. I got to my desk, logged in, and hurriedly checked my email. The prior week I had 3 different interview. First, was Atlanta, GA, second was Miami, FL, and last was Baltimore, MD. They were clearly all phone interviews for the same company I’m with now but from jump I can tell you Miami is a no-go. For one the interviewees were RUDE. Afterwards I of course checked online (Craigslist) to get a realistic view of the city. Because housing sites ALWAYS only show the best pictures, but Craigslist is brutally honest. Miami looked like little Mexico. Mostly everything was run down. I was so shocked. I have been to South Beach plenty of times, and even though the hotels on South Beach are not anything to brag about, they were better then what I was seeing. I also checked the city crime rates. Sky high! Not to mention, I’m a mother of a black male, and while he’s young, we can’t forget all the racist ish Florida is known for lately. Just saying.

Atlanta was the complete opposite, for less then what I pay now I could be living in the lap of luxury or even purchase a mini mansion and get a mortgage. Much better. Schools suck in their city though.

Baltimore was in between, it was the lesser pay of them all, but still more then I make now. it’s also way closer to home then the 3. Not that I think I will get all three offers, but it would not be a bad problem to have.

I got focused and caught up on all my emails. I ran across one from Eden. He had emailed me because he thought I was ignoring him. I hadn’t been, I just was in no rush to hit him back. I was glad Eden was officially annoying to me again. I deleted his email, then went back and saved it, never know when I may need proof of anything when it came to him.

“Jaycee, can I see you in my office please” one of my supervisors stuck her head in and asked.

I nodded. This was already starting to be a GREAT morning *enter sarcastic smiley here*

1 comment:

  1. Interesting ... Can't wait to see what happens:)
