Thursday, April 16, 2015

Circus Clowns

“I just wanted to touch basis with you on the status of your interviews you had” my supervisor started.

It was none of her business; thank God, she had nothing to do with the hiring process of other locations. I cleared my throat and gave that shadiest answer I could “It’s ok”.

She wasn’t going to make this easy and kept tackling a way to get more info “Yes, you had quite a few interviews this past week, surely that’s a good sign?”

“I guess so” I shifted in my seat and looked her in her eyes letting her know this conversation was over before it even began.

“Ok well good luck, keep me posted, make sure you grab the mail and get that done this morning please and also I need some cases from you, they were someone else’s but they haven’t gotten to it so I’m hoping you can help them out” she smiled dismissing me.

Wench! “Sure can!” I smiled back. I was always ahead of my own workload so I really didn’t mind. What bothered me was her doing it to intentionally try to make me mind and get under my skin. I went back to my desk and knocked out the mail and extra work she had assigned me. Of course it wasn’t anything simple but it made my day fly by so whatever!

I checked Facebook when I got a break and noticed one of my friends mention going to the circus. It was a weekday and I wasn’t sure Baby Boy would stay up but I inquired nonetheless and we made plans to meet up and go together. Best decision ever! We went to a preshow where he got to see the animals up close and personal and he danced the whole show. He was so excited it warmed my heart. I had not been to the circus since I was a kid myself. Nevertheless, we all had a great time.

We got home super late and I got us ready for bed, but I still didn’t close my eyes til almost midnight. I uploaded some pics of us and sent some to Cam and my mom and dad before calling it a night.

No boy drama guys lol I told you it’s much more extreme reading it then it really is realistically.

The person I lost my virginity too, which happens to be my high school sweetheart has been in my inbox for a few weeks. I told you all my ex’s are having babies and he’s the first to pop one out. He’s been with a girl for a while and they recently broke up, I guess a few months ago. I don’t know, didn’t really ask details because quite frankly didn’t really care. We are still good friends though and every now and then he will call or text me to complain or ask for advice (as if I’m the best person to be giving out relationship advice!). Any who, I always gave unbiased advice (I didn’t want him)but they still ended up breaking up, too bad she was already knocked up.

Recently he began hinting he may want to try something put with me. I downplay it each and every time. I’m honestly not attracted to him anymore, and he doesn’t look the same. He was the star basketball player in high school and was around 6’6, super cute back then.  I didn’t do anything spectacular in high school, just a few randoms, but I was popular for some reason and that made us the ideal and “what’s in” couple. That lasted till I got to college. Eden was on my heels heavy but I was “in love”. I lost my virginity my first year of college, but we didn’t last too long after that and a year later I was with Eden.

I said all that to say that High School Boyfriend texted me last night while I was at the circus. I hadn’t heard from him in a while and thought he had gotten the point.

HSB: hey Jaycee, sorry I haven’t been in contact, I have been sick

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo?????? Was what I wanted to say, but I played nice.

Me: Awww sorry to hear that

HSB: I was like I’m slacking I haven’t talked to my future wife.

And it begins. I realize I’m too nice, but I definitely don’t lead people on, they just run with stuff.

Me: Well I’m at the circus, and it’s ok, I hadn’t noticed honestly.

I cut it short after that. Can’t entertain foolishness. If I actually liked him I wouldn’t mind, but like I said I wasn’t into him AND he had a newborn! A newborn he was dying for me to meet. When he had first told me that, I forgot about being nice and said “For what, I don’t need to meet him” not the nicest thing to say to someone who just had their 1st child.

I tried to clean it up and say, “You know his mom probably wouldn’t like that, that’s all, I wouldn’t want to cause issues with you two”. He accepted that but he knew I meant it a little. But I DIDN’T want to meet the baby!

Luckily, he asked a few more questions about the circus and let me be for the night, but of course, he would be back! I loved our friendship and I told him that, but a relationship? You guys know I’m not ready or cut out for that at all these days.

I snapped back into my work. Hopefully the rest of my day would be okay or at least something interesting happen, like a job offer maybe! Wishful thinking! The first thing I would do is tell that supervisor of mines to kiss it………………. my buttocks that is! lol

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