Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I'm pregnant!

It would be too much like right for me to just enjoy a no-drama lifestyle huh?

Apparently so. Let’s start with Friday. Cam came and got Baby Boy earlier that day so I was going to have the weekend to myself. Yayyyyy finally! He really needed to spend time with his kid.

Any who I spent my Friday night at a church sing out Deacon was performing. Afterwards, we headed out to eat before our usual freak fest. Like seriously we have sex every single day. Which would be fine but I’m so not a sexual person so I’m surprised at myself. But whatever.

Saturday he had another event and I was having dinner with friends. We spent a few hours together in between time and he was at my townhouse while I went to dinner so I bought him food back and of course, our night caps.

This leads me to Sunday where I created the drama. Church had been fine, no one knew we were dating but I had sat with him at dinner after service and it looked innocent enough. I was a social butterfly afterall. I had Baby Boy back but we were planning to go see Addicted at the movies (Horrible movie, book was so much better) (Another side note, we saw Equalizer too, that way wayyyyy better). So, Baby Boy was with my mom. Right before the movie, I got into a hug argument with Cam on the amount of child support he paid me. It’s so mediocre and he has no bills, so call me money hungry but he could do more! Deacon is right there, mouthing to me not to argue about it. I’m igging him because he has no freaking kids so he doesn’t know what the heck he’s talking about anyway. I hung up the phone pissed off and over the whole matter, and we had missed the got darn movie and the next one was 2.5 hours later. It was Sunday, I was tight that this had gotten me so worked up.

“Stop arguing about this with him, go down to Child Support and get his tail on something-“ Deacon was beginning to preach.

“Yeah ummm I don’t really want to talk about it anymore and no one asked you!” I threw my hand up at him.

“Well I do, don’t take it out on me because you are frustrated” he kept at it.

“AGAIN! I. Don’t. Want. To. Talk. About. It.” I reiterated, “So drop it dang!”

“You know what I’m going home, I didn’t do anything but care about the situation and try to calm you and you are getting upset and blunt like I’m the one upsetting you.” Deacon stood up.

I simply said “Goodnight then” and waved. Go home then shoot. My head was hurting now. I let him leave and walk to his car and honestly, I didn’t think he was going anywhere. When I got up to check his car was gone. Well dang! I tried to call him back but we just fussed. Deacon had kept telling me he had a problem with the way I spoke to him. However, I never really felt it was out of line. We hung up getting nothing accomplished an I was about to cry thinking the worst when a light bulb went off in my head:

Call Eden!

So I did. No answer. Good.

My phone rang and it was Deacon apologizing that he shouldn’t have walked out but he just cares about me so much that it upsets him when I let Cam get me to that point. He went on staying he will try to stay out of it.

“Well I’m still mad you left like that, you know I’m dramatic I was crying” I lied. I didn’t cry but I felt like it, feel guilty Deacon!

“That’s why I’m headed to get you now we are gonna go get that cake thing you like and then catch that next movie” he smiled, I could tell he thought he had me.

“No that’s okay I’m just gonna stay in, I’ll see you tomorrow” I shut him down, lying again. My mouth was already drooling thinking about the ice cream and cake combo I could be tasting in a few moments.

“Too bad sweetheart, already in route, get ya stuff together” he hung up.

I smiled and got ready and we did just that. The movie sucked but it made us horny as crap. We barely made it in the door before we were tearing clothes off. I swear I was put in 50 different positions that night/morning, but that was the highlight of the movie: the one we made on our own. Lol

Too bad during the night Eden texted me back.

Eden: Either you called to tell me to stop calling you or you are preggo.

Preggo? That never crossed my mind. The genius in me decided to run with that. Don’t judge me. When he called again I answered and told him yes, I was in fact pregnant and it was his. THIS is how we know Eden is full of crap. IF he felt about me how he CLAIMS, this would be a ball of fun for him. He gets me in his life for the next 18 years. But no, Eden goes into script about how it isn’t a good time, he’s in his situation, and blah blah blah. He does not have to convince me little does he know.

“When can you help pay to get rid of our problem then?” I said bluntly.

“Are we going 50/50?” he asked.

“Are we both laying on that table 50/50? No, so no there will be no 50/50 of anything, you pay for it and then I never want to hear from you again” I told him.

“I’ll put the money in your account, I’m really sorry about this Jaycee you don’t understand how much this is hurting me right now” he went on.

He’s right I don’t. I asked Kendall and Tay was this effed up. 2 totally different responses.

Kendall: Normally I would say yes, but FUCK HIM! He goes thru all these lengths calling and harassing you, and calling your friends, and now this happens and he’s so distraught but he isn’t saying keep it, so take that niggas money! I can’t stand his ass anyway.

Tay: Tell the truth Jace, this had Karma written all over it, just say you are joking an let it go. You have moved on; don’t play these games with him.

I was in too deep though, and have I really moved on?

I went into work this morning an Eden had texted me.

Eden: I haven’t slept all night, have you considered keeping it?


  1. That's a mean joke:( does he deserve it? Yes. But don't do it, tell him.

    1. I feel like I took it too far.................... genius Jaycee

  2. Anyone who reads my blog knows I have a broad (loose/twisted/sick, whatever) sense of humor, but i think there are some things you shouldn't joke about unless everyone is in on it. This is one of those things. Tell him the truth. And delete his number so you cant call him anymore :-)

    1. I know it by heart........ so what now?

    2. And i feel like I took it too far, I even sent pics of my "baby bump" ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    3. Um. Either come straight and know hell be done for good. Or.. And I can't believe I'm saying this.. Fake a miscarriage?

    4. I thught about that, but I possibly do want more children in the future and I wouldnt want to jinx that by faking a miscarriage, not worth Edens trust at all!

  3. You shouldn't have lied about being pregnant and then on top of it sending him fake baby bump pics. You're better than that. Seriously why would you stoop so low? I hope you'll tell him the truth and not accept money for a fake abortion.

    1. I do stupid things when I get:
      a. bored
      b. mad

      You are right, i know better. I didnt send fake pics, I sent pics after I ate a bunch and he assumed it was a baby bump. Not my fault! But no I have no excused, Im guilty as crap in this one

  4. Girl get over it and go on.. Not a great thing to do just tell him you were kidding and move on! Let us know how he takes it....
